Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Going Default...

Unfortunately, my chosen entry for tonight's Churn was lost to the Internet ether.

While I fear the consequences, I figure it's my duty to give the Churn Nation something... Meet Miss Keeley Hazell.

Apparently she's 18 years old and becoming quite popular across the pond. You can see other mostly Safe For Work pictures [depending if you live in a Red or Blue State] here and here.

Wow, I feel just like a network executive!

Mike G.


Linds said...

Holy ta-ta's, Batman!

Anonymous said...

Ta tas indeed girly.

Here's the UK input...

Keeley Hazell was discovered (thank god) by The Sun's (News International) page 3 idol contest.

Page 3, for those accross the ditch is the third page of The Sun newspaper. Most week days of most weeks there is a nice surprise just inside the paper. Usually topless ta-tas

Now, what you've got there is some nice shots from FHM, which I think is all over the world. This is the current UK edition - very topical blogging !

Here are some nice links pour toi.

Says it all... not entirely safe for work, even in a yellow state.
Juicy Jelly ?

Girls, linds - What do you think of her? I'm intrigued...