Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I won't pretend to know what it's like to serve in the armed forces.

I don't know what it feels like to be under the pressures that those soldiers overseas are.


On top of all the other problems we're having in Iraq, do we really need this going on?

CBS, which was one of the first to break the story has more info here. It looks like the Washington Post is due to release more photos and claims of abuse soon.

And not to be a shill for the Left, Here's a link to some comments made by Rush Limbaugh on the subject.

A Meeting of the Minds....

A short time ago, I posted what I thought was a humorous little aside about the Left Behind books and an imaginary conversation between the authors and an agent at the publishers.

Someone apparently thought it wasn't so funny and posted a detailed comment explaining his displeasure with my writing.

Actually, he just called me a moron. So I called him on it.

And lo and behold, yesterday my detractor finally answered:

{Yes I called you moronic because I'm a god fearing man and to even joke about the fact that god would lose a battle to} {satan is just ignorant it's also insulting to christians just remember if you live like there is no god you better be right}
{I know where i'll go when my number is called}


Thank you for reading. First, the Left Behind books are enormously popular, selling millions upon millions of copies. Second, it's no surprise that the final book in the series entails the very last days of existence. So I just thought that with no more books to write, that means no more books to sell. So I put forth the suggestion that maybe some people weren't too eager to see the series end, and a cliffhanger like the one I proposed would be a humdinger.

Take Care folks.

Mike G.

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